********************* conquest game instructions ************************* **** [Game Overview] The goal is to reach the target number of attacks. When the number of bases reaches the target number, the game Exit. Also, the game ends when the number of bases of your power becomes 0. [Key operation] W Move up map, cursor, etc. A Move map, cursor, etc. to the left S Move down map, cursor, etc. D right movement of map, cursor, etc. Z/enter decision key X/space cancel key shift menu screen Shortcut key (keyboard side only) [1] Log panel [2] Turn progression [3] Outdoor unit [4] Trade [5] Construction [6] Diplomacy [7] General situation [t] Product price [power] The player selects one power from among the powers, and while doing the internal affairs of the base Prepare to invade other countries. Each force controls 2 to 4 bases from the beginning, and each turn from each base You can obtain assets such as provisions and trade goods. In addition, you can train soldiers at each base and organize a unit and send it to the battlefield. [Base] Each territory has one base. Acquire trade goods. Cash can be secured by selling provisions or trade goods. The base has durability, and the durability recovers to the upper limit every turn. When a base is attacked and its durability reaches 0, the area will be destroyed by the power that destroyed the base. becomes territory. [construction] There are three types of construction: [Castle wall] You can refurbish your castle to extend its maximum durability. Rebuilding takes 3 turns. The initial value of maximum base endurance is 600, and the maximum endurance increases with each +1 grade. +200 and increases up to 2000. Damaged bases recover 1/50 of their maximum durability each turn. In other words, the higher the maximum durability, the faster the recovery speed of the base. [farmland] You can cultivate farmland and increase your food supply income per turn. Development takes 3 turns. Farmland has 8000 food income per turn in the early stages. Since the food consumption per field soldier is 5, Allocating all of these to the field soldiers will yield 1,600 provisions. For every +1 farmland grade, your food income will increase by 3000. The maximum farmland grade is 10, and the base supply income at that time is 35000. It will be possible to cover up to 7000 field soldiers per base. (However, base standby soldiers will also consume some supplies.) [Specialty goods] You can rebuild the specialty products in your territory. There are 3 trade goods slots per base. It takes 3 turns to rebuild. There are six types of specialty products, and the supply and demand index is determined according to the number of each production business. fluctuates. When there are too many businesses for a given product, it is considered oversupply and the price drops. Conversely, if there are few businesses, it is regarded as a shortage of supply and the price rises. By using these and rebuilding all the special products of your base into the same product It is also possible to control the supply and demand index to some extent. However, if the player biases the product, it will be produced from excessive production facilities As long as you own the business, your income will relatively decrease because the prices of the products have fallen. will be [trade] In this game, soldiers consume rice, four types of weapons, and There are 6 types of specialties, all of which can be bought and sold with merchants. Because the prices of these products fluctuate every turn due to various factors, By purchasing the necessary products at a low price and selling the products at a high price, You can increase your cash income. Trade goods include: [Rice] Having trained soldiers on standby at a base or dispatching them will consume supplies. Consumes 1 supply for every 10 soldiers who have finished training and are waiting at the base. If 1000 people are waiting at the base, 100 supplies will be consumed per turn. A deployed unit consumes 5 supplies per soldier. A unit of 1,000 men consumes 5,000 supplies per turn. Supplies are managed by faction unit, and when the supply reaches 0, the troops in the field will be wiped out. Rice is harvested in the fall (collection of supplies is obtained every turn as 12 divisions), so before harvesting When there is a shortage of rice, the price rises, and when the harvest ends, the price temporarily drops. [Weapons] You will need it to train your soldiers. As a general rule, you need 1 weapon for 1 soldier. Weapon prices are not affected by seasons or events, but they go up and down slightly each turn. [Specialty goods] It is a trade item that is produced every turn from the base, and you can basically earn cash income by selling it. Secure. The product price will fluctuate every turn. In the meantime, weapons will increase or decrease in price almost randomly, but for special products, not only random fluctuations There are various variables. (1) Fluctuations in the epidemic index due to seasonal events (2) Fluctuations in the supply and demand index according to the ratio of production business (3) Fluctuations in the supply and demand index according to the inventory holding ratio of each power (1) Seasonal fluctuations The price of special products rises and falls randomly each turn, and the price changes depending on seasonal events. It goes up and down, and the price moves more than other products. Therefore, by buying products when prices are low and selling them when prices are high, You can make a profit on the sale. A Number of production businesses In addition, special products with a small proportion of the number of production businesses are judged to be in short supply and prices soar. Conversely, the more businesses there are, the lower the price. B Inventory of each faction Specialty products are affected by supply and demand prices due to distribution volume. A certain power has a product If you are buying up or reluctant to sell, the price will gradually rise. The index obtained by multiplying @ by random fluctuation is the epidemic index (2) The index multiplied by (3) becomes the supply and demand index, The value obtained by multiplying the base price by the popularity index and the supply and demand index will be the commodity price for that turn. There is no use for special products in the game other than buying and selling. You can change the special products of your own country by rebuilding. Since there is no direct cash income in this game, securing cash through trading is important. Become. [Training] You can train soldiers by using the barracks at each base. Training soldiers requires 1 weapon per person. You can train up to 1000 people for each weapon type at one time. Training ends in 2 turns. Soldiers who have completed their training will wait at the base. Soldiers waiting at the base consume supplies according to the number of people To do. Both attack power and defense power are proportional to the number of troops, and basically the more troops there are Increases damage dealt. Unit type: spearman/swordman It has high attack and defense, and is the strongest unit in close combat. archer/thrower You can attack 3 squares around you. You can also attack twice in one turn. On the other hand, attack, defense, and mobility are all the lowest. cavalry The unit with the highest mobility. You can reach the capture base the fastest. sailor Adds a bonus to attack power at sea. artillery soldier It has high attack power and can attack 2 squares around it. horse archer It has high mobility and can attack 4 squares around it. * Units differ for each title [Departure] Only the number of people waiting at the base can be dispatched. When you go into battle, supplies will be consumed every turn according to the number of soldiers. A deployed unit consumes 5 supplies per soldier. A unit of 1,000 men consumes 5,000 supplies per turn. Troops once deployed cannot return to their base. A unit can attack and move once every turn. Shift Operate from the unit list. Also, when a faction's supply reaches 0, all units that are on the move will be wiped out. Units on the move are displayed as markers on the navigation map of the L button. [Outdoor unit] A unit can attack and move once every turn. Shift Operate from the unit list. [move] If the unit moves, depending on the terrain from the current position to the cursor target position Consumes movement. Plains: 1 Bases: 1 Sea, Coast: 0.9 Hayashi: 1.7 Mountain: 2.5 You cannot pass through a square with a unit of another force at the destination. [attack] If the unit's attack count remains and you use the attack command, can attack the target EAttack a unit When attacking a unit, attack power proportional to the number of attackers and proportional to the number of defenders Deduct the defensive power and give the damage of the value that takes into account factors such as faction and unit characteristics. The number of defenders is reduced by the amount of damage received. When the number of troops reaches 0, the unit disappears. Each time you attack a unit, it reduces the diplomatic value from the defending faction. AI units determine their strategy based on their diplomatic value with the other country. First of all, while the diplomacy with the other country is low, go for a nearby base, and use the units of other forces in the field. If you see it, change the attack target there. damage on attack Attack power of attacking unit x number of people/100 + terrain bonus - (defense power of defending unit x number of people/100 + terrain bonus) If 1000 troops with an attack power of 10 attack 500 troops with a defense power of 2 on plain ground, (10 x 1000 / 100) - (2 x 500 /100) = 90 inflicts damage of If the damage calculation is less than 15, the damage will be 15 (minimum damage) Damage is also modified by terrain. +120 bonus to damage when attacking units in mountains and forests (not proportional to number of people) If units in mountains or forests are attacked, a defense bonus of 50 is added (not proportional to the number of people). Basically, both attack and defense are proportional to the number of troops, so units with more people will have an advantage in both attack and defense. Even if the number of soldiers is the same, if the unit is divided, the defense power will drop accordingly, making it easier to take damage. EAttack the base When attacking a base, factors such as attack power, power, and unit characteristics are taken into account. Deals value damage. damage on attack Attack power of attacking unit x number of people/100 + terrain bonus Since the base has no defense, the damage proportional to the unit's attack power and number will be subtracted as it is. However, the base has a durability upper limit, and it will recover every turn according to the ratio of the upper limit. Each time you attack a base, the diplomatic value from the defending faction is slightly reduced. [Outdoor AI unit] There are two main types of outdoor AI units. @ Units heading to attack the bases of other powers A Units that try to patrol around their base The type of AI is assigned by the serial number of the deployed unit. If a unit is destroyed